Tracing with MicroProfile OpenTracing This exercise shows how your Quarkus application can utilize OpenTelemetry (OTel) to provide distributed tracing for interactive web applications. OpenTelemetry Metrics and Logging are not yet supported. Quarkus now supports the OpenTelemetry Autoconfiguration for Traces. The configurations match what you can see at OpenTelemetry SDK Autoconfigure with the quarkus.*` prefix. Extensions and the libraries they provide, are directly instrumented in Quarkus. The use of the OpenTelemetry Agent is not needed nor recommended due to context propagation issues between imperative and reactive libraries. In a distributed cloud-native application, multiple microservices are collaborating to deliver the expected functionality. If you have hundreds of services, how do you debug an individual request as it travels through a distributed system? For Java enterprise developers, the OpenTelemetry framework enables you to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces) which helps you analyze your application performance and behavior. Let’s find out how. Install Jaeger Jaeger is a distributed tracing system originally created by Uber (the ride sharing company). It is used for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems, including: Distributed context propagation Distributed transaction monitoring Root cause analysis Service dependency analysis Performance / latency optimization You’ll use the Jaeger as a backend to collect the telemetry data because Jaeger exposes a collector through which apps (like our People app) report tracing details. Jaeger stores and reports on this tracing activity. What are Traces and Spans? At the highest level, a trace tells the story of a transaction or workflow as it propagates through a (potentially distributed) system. A trace is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of spans: named, timed operations representing a contiguous segment of work in that trace. Each component (microservice) in a distributed trace will contribute its own span or spans. In this case we will install a Jaeger-all-in-one image, this is mostly for local/test installations normally but in our excercise it is enough. Open jaeger.yml in the src/main/kubernetes directory. There you will see the definition for configuring and deploying the jaeger-all-in-one to your cluster. The definition is quite large and you don’t have to dig into the details if you don’t want to. It consists of a Deployment, a few Services as well as a Route. apiVersion: v1 kind: List items: - apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: jaeger labels: app: jaeger jaeger all-in-one tracing spec: selector: matchLabels: app: jaeger replicas: 1 strategy: type: Recreate template: metadata: labels: app: jaeger jaeger all-in-one annotations: "true" "16686" spec: containers: - env: - name: COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HTTP_PORT value: "9411" image: name: jaeger ports: - containerPort: 5775 protocol: UDP - containerPort: 6831 protocol: UDP - containerPort: 6832 protocol: UDP - containerPort: 5778 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 16685 protocol: UDP - containerPort: 16686 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 9411 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 14250 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 14268 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 14269 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 4317 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 4318 protocol: TCP readinessProbe: httpGet: path: "/" port: 14269 initialDelaySeconds: 5 - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: jaeger-query labels: app: jaeger jaeger query spec: ports: - name: query-http port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 16686 - name: admin-http port: 16687 protocol: TCP targetPort: 16687 - name: query-grpc port: 16685 protocol: UDP targetPort: 16685 selector: jaeger all-in-one - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: jaeger-collector labels: app: jaeger jaeger collector spec: ports: - name: jaeger-collector-tchannel port: 14267 protocol: TCP targetPort: 14267 - name: tls-grpc-jaeger port: 14250 protocol: TCP targetPort: 14250 - name: jaeger-collector-http port: 14268 protocol: TCP targetPort: 14268 - name: jaeger-collector-zipkin port: 9411 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9411 - name: grpc-otlp port: 4317 protocol: TCP targetPort: 4317 - name: http-otlp port: 4318 protocol: TCP targetPort: 4318 - name: admin-http port: 14269 protocol: TCP targetPort: 14269 selector: jaeger all-in-one type: ClusterIP - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: jaeger-agent labels: app: jaeger jaeger agent spec: ports: - name: agent-zipkin-thrift port: 5775 protocol: UDP targetPort: 5775 - name: agent-compact port: 6831 protocol: UDP targetPort: 6831 - name: agent-binary port: 6832 protocol: UDP targetPort: 6832 - name: agent-configs port: 5778 protocol: TCP targetPort: 5778 - name: admin-http port: 14271 protocol: TCP targetPort: 14271 clusterIP: None selector: jaeger all-in-one - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: zipkin labels: app: jaeger jaeger zipkin spec: ports: - name: jaeger-collector-zipkin port: 9411 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9411 type: ClusterIP selector: jaeger all-in-one - apiVersion: kind: Route metadata: name: jaeger labels: app: jaeger query jaeger spec: to: kind: Service name: jaeger-query weight: 100 port: targetPort: query-http tls: termination: edge wildcardPolicy: None selector: jaeger all-in-one To install it, run this command in your terminal in Dev Spaces oc apply -f src/main/kubernetes/jaeger.yml This will create a new Jaeger Kubernetes object in your namespace, in the Topology View you’ll see Jaeger spin up: Jaeger exposes its collector at different ports for different protocols. Most use the HTTP collector at jaeger-collector:14268 but other protocols like gRPC are also supported on different ports. You can see them by clicking on the Jaeger circle and clicking the Resources tab: The endpoint on port 14250 is the one we’ll use for our app. Install OpenTelemetry Collector OpenTelemetry Collector enables you to offload data quickly alongside your application services in terms of retries, batching, encryption or even sensitive data filtering. You will create an OpenTelemetry Collector to send the telemetry data to the Jaeger server. Open otel.yml in the src/main/kubernetes directory. Copy the following YAML to the file. --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: otel namespace: %USER_ID%-dev spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: otel template: metadata: labels: otel tracing spec: containers: - name: otelcol args: - --config=/conf/collector.yaml image: volumeMounts: - mountPath: /conf name: collector-config volumes: - configMap: items: - key: collector.yaml path: collector.yaml name: collector-config name: collector-config --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: collector-config data: collector.yaml: | receivers: zipkin: processors: exporters: otlp: endpoint: jaeger-collector.%USER_ID%-dev.svc:14250 tls: ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/" logging: service: pipelines: traces: receivers: [zipkin] processors: [] exporters: [otlp, logging] Then, run the following oc command in VS Code terminal. oc apply -f src/main/kubernetes/otel.yml Go back to the Topology view, you will see the Open Telemetry collector deployed. Add OpenTelemetry to Quarkus With Jaeger installed, let’s turn back to our Quarkus app. Like other exercises, we’ll need the following extensions to enable OpenTelemetry in our app. Install it with: mvn quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="quarkus-opentelemetry, rest-client-reactive, quarkus-rest-client-reactive-jackson" You will see: [INFO] [SUCCESS] ✅ Extension io.quarkus:quarkus-rest-client-reactive-jackson has been installed [INFO] [SUCCESS] ✅ Extension io.quarkus:quarkus-rest-client-reactive has been installed [INFO] [SUCCESS] ✅ Extension io.quarkus:quarkus-quarkus-opentelemetry has been installed This will add the necessary entries in your pom.xml to bring in the OpenTracing capability, and an HTTP REST Client we’ll use pater. Configure Quarkus Next, open the file (in the src/main/resources directory). Add the following lines to it to configure the OTLP gRPC Exporter in Quarkus: %prod.quarkus.otel.exporter.otlp.traces.endpoint=http://jaeger-collector:4317 (1) 1 gRPC endpoint (Jaeger collector service) to send spans. Test it out Like many other Quarkus frameworks, sensible defaults and out of the box functionality means you can get immediate value out of Quarkus without changing any code. By default, all JAX-RS endpoints (like our /hello and others) are automatically traced. Let’s see that in action by re-deploying our traced app. Let’s re-build and re-deploy the application: mvn clean package -DskipTests && \ oc label deployment/people --overwrite && \ oc annotate deployment/people --overwrite Confirm deployment Run and wait for the app to complete its rollout: oc rollout status -w deployment/people Trigger traces You’ll need to trigger some HTTP endpoints to generate traces. Access the datatable endpoint of our people application again. If you have closed the tab with the datatable page you can retrieve it again by running the below: oc get route people -o=go-template --template='http://{{ }}/datatable.html {{printf "\n"}}' Open a new browser tab and paste the result to view the page The url should look something like this: Exercise the table a bit by paging through the entries and using various search terms to force several RESTful calls back to our app: Inspect traces Open the Jaeger Query UI. You can access it by clicking the arrow on the right corner of the Jaeger deployment like shown below: You’ll end up on the Jaeger query page. Using the menu on the left, select the people Service, and click Find Traces. Jaeger will show the collected traces on the right: Select one of the traces from "a few seconds ago" to show the individual spans of each trace: You can see that this trace (along with the others) shows the incoming HTTP GET operation to the /datatable endpoint we created earlier, along with the time it took, and other ancillary info about the request. Not terribly interesting as it’s a single call, but you can imagine with a real world app and multiple microservices working together, that traces could reveal a lot of detail. Service Mesh technologies like Istio can provide even more tracing prowess as the calls across different services are traced at the network level, not requiring any frameworks or developer instrumentation to be enabled for tracing. Tracing external calls This exercise showa how to use the MicroProfile REST Client with Quarkus in order to trace external, outbound requests with very little effort. We will use the publicly available Star Wars API to fetch some characters from the Star Wars universe. Our first order of business is to setup the model we will be using, in the form of a StarWarsPerson POJO. Create model Create a new class file in the org.acme.people.model package called with the following content: package org.acme.people.model; public class StarWarsPerson { private String name; private String mass; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getMass() { return mass; } public void setMass(String mass) { this.mass = mass; } } This contains a subset of the full Star Wars model, just enough to demonstrate tracing. Create interface Using the MicroProfile REST Client is as simple as creating an interface using the proper JAX-RS and MicroProfile annotations. Create a new Java class file in the org.acme.people.service package called with the following content: package org.acme.people.service; import org.acme.people.model.StarWarsPerson; import; import; import; import; import; import; @RegisterRestClient (1) @Path("/api") (2) public interface StarWarsService { @GET @Path("/people/{id}/") (2) @Produces("application/json") (3) @ClientHeaderParam(name="User-Agent", value="QuarkusLab") (4) StarWarsPerson getPerson(@PathParam("id") int id); (5) } 1 @RegisterRestClient allows Quarkus to know that this interface is meant to be available for CDI injection as a REST Client 2 @Path, @GET and @PathParam are the standard JAX-RS annotations used to define how to access the service 3 While @Consumes and @Produces are optional as auto-negotiation is supported, it is heavily recommended to annotate your endpoints with them to define precisely the expected content types. It will also allow to narrow down the number of JAX-RS providers (which can be seen as converters) included in the native executable. 4 The Star Wars API requires a User-Agent header, so with Quarkus we add that with @ClientHeaderParam. Other parameters can be added here as needed. 5 The getPerson method gives our code the ability to query the Star Wars API by id. The client will handle all the networking and marshalling leaving our code clean of such technical details. Configure endpoint In order to determine the base URL to which REST calls will be made, the REST Client uses configuration from To configure it, add this to your (in src/main/resources): org.acme.people.service.StarWarsService/mp-rest/url= Having this configuration means that all requests performed using our code will use as the base URL. Note that org.acme.people.service.StarWarsService must match the fully qualified name of the StarWarsService interface we created in the previous section. Using the configuration above, calling the getPerson(int) method of StarWarsService with a value of 1 would result in an HTTP GET request being made to Confirm you can access the Star Wars API using curl: curl -s | jq You should get Luke Skywalker back: { "name": "Luke Skywalker", "height": "172", "mass": "77", "hair_color": "blond", "skin_color": "fair", "eye_color": "blue", "birth_year": "19BBY", "gender": "male", "homeworld": "", ....<more here>.... } Final step: add endpoint We need to @Inject an instance of our new StarWarsService and call it. Open the existing PersonResource class and add the following injected field and method: @Inject @RestClient StarWarsService swService; (1) @GET @Path("/swpeople") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List<StarWarsPerson> getCharacters() { return IntStream.range(1, 6) (2) .mapToObj(swService::getPerson) (3) .collect(Collectors.toList()); (4) } 1 Our injected service 2 Generate a stream of 5 integers that we will use as IDs to pass to the service 3 For each of the integers, call the StarWarsService::getPerson method 4 Collect the results into a list and return it You’ll need to add a few imports at the top of the file: import org.acme.people.model.StarWarsPerson; import org.acme.people.service.StarWarsService; import; import; Test it out Let’s re-build and re-deploy the application: mvn clean package -DskipTests && \ oc label deployment/people --overwrite && \ oc annotate deployment/people --overwrite Confirm deployment Run and wait for the app to complete its rollout: oc rollout status -w deployment/people Trigger traces Access the endpoint by running the following command: curl -s https://$(oc get route people -o=go-template --template='{{ }}')/person/swpeople | jq You should see: [ { "mass": "77", "name": "Luke Skywalker" }, { "mass": "75", "name": "C-3PO" }, { "mass": "32", "name": "R2-D2" }, { "mass": "136", "name": "Darth Vader" }, { "mass": "49", "name": "Leia Organa" } ] Inspect traces Reload the Jaeger Query UI. Then, select GET /person/swpeople in the Operation and click Find Traces. The new trace should appear the top with multiple spans. Select it to display details: You can see that this trace (along with the others) shows multiple spans: the incoming HTTP GET operation to the /swperson endpoint we created earlier, and the external calls to the Star Wars API. Expand the traces to show the detail: Extra credit: Explicit method tracing An annotation is provided to define explicit Span creation. This works on top of the "no-action" setup we did in the previous steps. The @Traced annotation, applies to a class or a method. When applied to a class, the @Traced annotation is applied to all methods of the class. If the annotation is applied to a class and method then the annotation applied to the method takes precedence. The annotation starts a Span at the beginning of the method, and finishes the Span at the end of the method. If you have time after this workshop, add a @Traced annotation to some of the other methods and test them out. Congratulations! You’ve seen how to enable automatic tracing for JAX-RS methods as well as create custom tracers for non-JAX-RS methods and external services by using MicroProfile OpenTracing. This specification makes it easy for Quarkus developers to instrument services with distributed tracing for learning, debugging, performance tuning, and general analysis of behavior. Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana Summary and wrap up